Preparing data and environment for GIMME

Here we provide some quick instructions on how to get started with gimme. For more details on specific extensions please follow links in the tutorial menu above.

1. Extract the time series for your variables

  • Have each variable be a column (e.g., brain region or mood), with the rows being the observation (e.g., TR in fMRI or a day in daily diary studies).
  • Substitute NA for missing values. Do not simply delete rows for missing data.
  • Have a separate matrix for each individual/session.

2. Organize data either as a list in R or as separate files in a directory. 

To use a list: 

  • This is a good option if the data have been concatenated into one matrix.
  • Store each individual’s matrix as a slice in list. For example, ‘mydata[[1]]’ would be the matrix for the first individual.
  • If you would like, you can name each slice (e.g., ‘mydata[[1]]’) to be the names of individuals.

To use a directory:

  • Create a folder (referred to as the ‘source’ directory).
  • Save each individual’s matrix as its own comma separated, tab-delimited, or space-delimited file.
  • Do not put any other files in this folder.

3. Installing gimme with R

  • Open an R script and enter into the console: install.packages("gimme")
  • Once gimme has been installed, you will need to load the package by entering: library(gimme)